Introducing FIG

Image of musician FIG smiling against blue sky. Sourced from

Malaysia-born NYC-based singer/songwriter Fay Liew, better known as FIG, makes dreamy bedroom pop with injections of R&B and a dash of kidcore aesthetic. Her music is characterized by bright guitars and deep bass guitar tones, with personal, generally positive lyrics. 

That’s not to say she doesn’t venture into darker territory. The closing track “Sweet Lullaby” from her 2020 EP, The Fluke, wades in melancholy, as she sings “So guess I’m standing here / All cold in the rain / Slowly it soaks in my hands / I just want to understand.” This delicate balance between darker musings and a wanting, romantic tone is also seen on the preceding track, “Plunge.” 

While proudly wearing the indie-alt-pop trademark on its sleeve, FIG’s music is very calming and relaxing, and finds ways to keep things interesting. Whether it’s a surprise rap verse from Liltrxptendo or a closing saxophone melody on The Fluke’s opening track “Start the Show,” the deeply melodic verse on Ondi Vil collaboration “Who I Really Am (feat. FIG),” the funky guitar and tropical flute on “Ma Huggies,” the first track on her 2020 EP, or her more upbeat 2020 EP with Snøw, Su Su, FIG’s catalog never feels repetitive.

Cover art for Su Su, FIG’s 2020 collaborative EP with Snøw. Sourced from

The last element of FIG’s vibe is an absolutely adorable aesthetic. Just take a look at some of her album artwork, like this delightful image for Su Su (featured above right), or this snuggly one for the “Ma Huggies” single (featured left). For whatever reason, FIG absolutely adores corn. It’s in her album art, it’s in her Spotify bio, and a cute corn plushie sits right in front of the kick drum in this lovely virtual concert. I also have to point out the awesome Power Rangers Turbo reference on the album art for label collaboration Nice Guys Love You, Vol. 2 (image below).

Cover art “Ma Huggies” single. Sourced from

Get excited for FIG to pop off and vibe out on the Worthstock stage on Sunday, May 1st, at 1:00 PM!

Cover art Nice Guys Love You, Vol. 2. Sourced from

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